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Why Is India a Preferable Destination for Medical Tourism from All across the World?

Health tourism is a recently coined terminology but the phenomenon dates back to thousand years.

Health tourism is a recently coined terminology but the phenomenon dates back to thousand years. In earlier days, reports suggest that the Greeks used to travel to the territories in the Saronic Gulf referred to as the Epidaurus, a destination for health tourism in the past era. However, the mobilisation of the people to get better treatment facilities has increased surprisingly owing to the advent of globalisation along with culture of consumerism. In this context, medical tourism is an amalgamation of high quality medical treatments, wellness as well as alternative medicines at a far-off land. Among all other nations on the globe, health tourism in India has reached to a significant position due to the many USPs, which are as follows:

Inexpensive Treatment Facilities

Monetary status of a person has always been a treatment-determining factor in the medical world. Higher the cost, lower is the chance of availing the treatment to people belonging to different classes. However, in comparison to the developed countries, Indian healthcare facilities are available at a much lower cost; thus, providing an edge to many medical tourism companies in India. Statistics have shown that as compared to US, a patient needs to spend 65 to 90% lesser in India.

Superlative Healthcare Services

India has a number of best hospitals that are well equipped with talented doctors, medical facilities, hospital infrastructure and fine equipment. At present, 33 JCI-accredited along with 400 NABH-accredited hospitals are running in India.

Treatment at a Quicker Pace

In comparison to other countries, in India, the patients do not need to wait for a longer duration of time for getting treatments and surgeries.

Unmatched Medical Heritage

India has been a pioneer of many alternative treatments that has led to the panacea. The native Indian treatment involves Ayurveda, Homeopathy or AYUSH, Siddha, Unani and Yoga. All around the world, these alternative treatment facilities are accepted, and people come from various nations, irrespective of their distance, to learn the art of these treatments.

Availability of the Medical Visa

India has made a remarkable move by introducing e-Medical visa and e-Medical Attendant visa for the medical tourists. This visa has allowed health travellers from 166 countries to come to India via 26 airports and 5 seaports. The additional facility of e-Medical visa is that allows a traveller to travel to India thrice unlike e-visa. In addition to this, two attendants can get e-Medical attendant visa at a time for a single patient.

Incredible India – Centre of Attraction 

The ancient heritage, modern amenities, exotic destination, and the cultural diversities have always put India at the centre stage for people round the world. This has also paved the path to promulgate the health services that the country provides and its unique features. Thus, the incredibility of India has also played a major role in boosting the influx of medical tourists from all over the world. As tourists, you can enjoy the melange advantage of high-quality treatment, tranquillity and pleasure here in India.

India has done a pioneering work in the medical field. It only needs the support from the Government bodies and other stakeholders to popularise its services among the health tourists. India Medical centre (UHH) is playing a vital role in promoting and making the health services available to many international medical tourists. It is among the best medical tourism companies in India that provides the best hospitals of India with high quality health services at a pocket-friendly cost on a single platform; thus, rendering its significant services in making the country famous as the ‘medical hub of the world’.


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