Cochlear Implant - Overview

A Cochlear Implant uses a sound processor that fits behind the Ear. It is an electronic device that partly restores hearing which can be an option for people who have severe hearing loss from inner-ear damage and who receive limited benefit from hearing aids. This processor captures sound signals and transmits them to a receiver implanted under the skin behind the ear. The signals arouse the auditory nerve, which then directs them to the brain. The brain interprets those signals as sounds, though these sounds won’t be just like normal hearing. It will take some time and training to learn to interpret the signals received from a cochlear implant. Within a year of use, most of the people with cochlear implants make considerable gains in understanding speech.

Cochlear Implant - Symptoms

If you are experiencing hearing loss and continue to rely heavily on lip reading your health care provider and an audiologist may consider a cochlear implant.

 Following conditions are considered to perform a cochlear implant:

    • People who are experiencing hearing loss and are not helped by hearing aids.
    • People who have hearing in both ears but with poor clarity.
    • People who rely heavily on lip reading, despite wearing hearing aids.




Cochlear Implant - Pre-Procedure

Your doctor will conduct a thorough medical evaluation to determine if cochlear implants are a good option for you or not. The evaluation is likely to include:

  • Tests of hearing, speech and sometimes balance.
  • Physical examination test to assess the health of the inner ear.
  • CT  scan or MRI imaging of the skull to assess the condition of the cochlea and structure of the inner ear.
  • Sometimes, psychological test is done to determine ability to learn to use cochlear implants.

Cochlear Implant - During Procedure

Your Surgeon will make an incision behind the ear, and form a slight depression in the portion of Skull Bone (Mastoid) where the internal device will rests. The Surgeon will then make a small hole in the cochlea and thread the electrode array of the internal device through this hole. The incision is then stitched and closed so that the internal device is under the skin.

Cochlear Implant - Post-Procedure

After the treatment you or your child might experience:

  • Any kind of pressure or discomfort over the implanted ear or ears
  • Dizziness or nausea

Most of the people feel well enough to return home on the day of surgery or the day afterward. You will need to visit the doctor in about a week to your stitches removed. The cochlear implants won’t be turned on (activated) until two to six weeks after the surgery — to give the surgery site time to heal.

Cochlear Implant - Risk & Complications

Cochlear implantation surgery is generally safe but some risks associated with cochlear implant may include:

  • You may loss residual hearing. Implantation of the device might damage your remaining ability to hear in that ear.
  • Inflammation of the membranes that are surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis) following cochlear-implant surgery in children. Vaccinations to prevent meningitis are usually given before implantation.
  • Occasionally, surgery to repair or replace a faulty device.

Rarely, the risks can include:

  • Facial paralysis
  • Infection at the surgery site
  • Balance problems

Cochlear Implant - Doctors

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    Procedure Cost in USD Stay in Hospital Stay in India Total Days
    Cochlear Implant 16000-18000 4 days 20 days 24


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