Arthroscopy Surgery - Overview

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical procedure in which the doctors view the knee joint without making any large incision (cut) through the skin and other soft tissues. This procedure is used to diagnose and treat a wide range of knee problems. During a knee arthroscopy procedure, the surgeon inserts a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the knee joint. The camera that is inserted will show pictures on a video monitor, and then the surgeon uses these images to guide miniature surgical instruments. As the surgical instruments and the arthroscopy are thin, the surgeon can use very small incisions, rather than the larger incision needed for open surgery. This results in less pain for the patients, less joint stiffness, and often shortens the time it takes to recover and return back to normal activities.

Arthroscopy Surgery - Symptoms

You will be recommended that you undergo a knee arthroscopy if you’re experiencing painful condition that does not respond to any nonsurgical treatment. In that case an arthroscopy is a useful way for doctors to confirm the source of knee pain and treat the problem. Your doctor may recommend an arthroscopy if you have the following symptoms:

  • Inflammation in a joint
  • Have injured a joint
  • Have damaged a joint over time.

Arthroscopy Surgery - Pre-Procedure

Many Orthopedic surgeons recommend a tailored preparation plan for an arthroscopy treatment, which may include gentle exercises. It is important for the patient to discuss about any prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) medications he/she is taking with the doctor. The patient may need to stop taking some medications ahead of the surgery. The patient is required to stop eating up to 12 hours before the procedure; especially if there will be general anesthesia. The doctor will provide plenty of information about what the patient is allowed to eat or drink. Some doctors may also prescribe pain medication in advance. Patient should fill this prescription before the surgery so that they will be prepared for recovery.

Arthroscopy Surgery - During Procedure

During an arthroscopic surgery you will be kept under anesthesia. The type of anesthesia that you’ll receive depends on the joint and what your surgeon suspects is the problem. It may be general anesthesia or your doctor will give it to you through your spine. Your surgeon might also numb the area he’s doing the surgery on. First the surgeon will insert special pencil-thin instruments through a small cut (incision) the size of a buttonhole. The surgeon will then use a tool called an arthroscope that has a camera lens and a light to see inside the joint. The camera projects an image of the joint onto a monitor. To easily see through the joint your surgeon will fill the joint with sterile fluid to widen it. Your surgeon will look inside the joint, diagnose the problem, and decide what type of surgery you will need, if any. If you do need surgery, your surgeon will insert some other special tools through other small incisions called portals and use them to cut, shave, grasp, and anchor stitches into bone. If your surgeon decides you need traditional, “open” surgery to fix the problem, it will be done at the same time as your arthroscopic surgery.

Afterward, the surgeon will remove the arthroscope and any attachments and close the wound with special tape or stitches.

Arthroscopy Surgery - Post-Procedure

You may experience some pain in the joint after your surgery. Your doctor may recommend you some pain medications. He/she might also prescribe aspirin or other medication to prevent blood clots. You may also need crutches, a splint, or a sling for support as you recover. This surgery usually results in less joint pain and stiffness than an open surgery. Recovery also takes less time. You’ll have small puncture wounds where the arthroscopic tools were inserted into your body. The day after your surgery, you may be able to remove the surgical bandages and replace them with small strips to cover the incisions. Your doctor will remove non-dissolvable stitches after a week or 2 after the surgery. While your wounds will heal, you’ll have to keep the site as dry as possible. This means covering them with a plastic bag when you shower and prevent it to get in contact with water. Your doctor will tell you what all activities you need to avoid when you go home. You can often return back to your normal routine within a few days of surgery.

Arthroscopy Surgery - Risk & Complications

The risks and complication rate after an arthroscopic surgery is very low. If any complications occur, they are usually very minor and can be treated easily. Possible postoperative problems with arthroscopy surgery may include:

  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Knee stiffness
  • Accumulation of blood in the knee

Arthroscopy Surgery - Doctors

  • Dr. IPS Oberoi

    Dr. IPS Oberoi

    MBBS, MS, MCh

    Orthopaedic and Joint Replacement Surgeon

    25 years of experience

  • Dr. Anil Arora

    Dr. Anil Arora

    Associate Director , MBBS, MD, DNB


    27 years of experience

  • Dr. Devendra Yadav

    Dr. Devendra Yadav

    Senior Consultant , MBBS, MS


    22 years of experience

  • Dr. Hemant Sharma

    Dr. Hemant Sharma

    MBBS, DNB, Diploma in Orthopaedics Allopath

    Orthopaedic Surgeon

    24 Years Experience

  • Dr. Ashok Rajgopal

    Dr. Ashok Rajgopal

    Chairman, MBBS, MS, MCh, FRCS


    33 years of experience

  • Dr. Subhash Jangid

    Dr. Subhash Jangid

    Head of Department , DNB, MS, MBBS


    16 Years of Experience

  • Dr. Sanjay Sarup

    Dr. Sanjay Sarup

    Associate Director , MBBS, MS, FRCS

    Paediatric Orthopedecian

    24 Years of Experience

  • Dr. Pradeep Sharma

    Dr. Pradeep Sharma



    37 years of experience

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    Procedure Cost in USD Stay in Hospital Stay in India Total Days
    Arthoscopy 2500- 3000 1 days 3 days 4


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